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[Special Topic-Career Development] Stop Ineffective Efforts

Sep. 10, 2021

Everyone inevitably has long boards and short boards. When to give full play to the long boards and when to make up for the short boards, it has an important influence on personal career development. But someone said: "I don't know which part of my longboard is, what should I do?"

     Mr. A and Ms. B are operating positions in a home appliance company operating company. This type of position requires a special ability: digital thinking. But Mr. A seems to be extremely lacking in this ability. He always likes to be reasonable and point of view in speaking and reporting. Every time he talks a lot, it is a subjective thought, and there is no objective number at all. This may be the difference between traditional companies and Internet companies. But in the end, I didn't expect that after joining the company for less than a year, he had a report on his job within the group, and his sense of numbers was not worse than that of many Internet people.

     Ms. B also lacks digital thinking. In order to make up for this shortcoming, she specially applied for the task of issuing a weekly digital report. By the way, the digital weekly report task is also a job that exercises digital thinking ability. During that time, Ms. B worked overtime until late every day and worked very hard. The results of it? The effect is not very good. There are a lot of numbers, but the ability to "use numbers to split goals and further guide specific practices" is not long at all. This is the answer to the saying "you can only see the trees but not the forest". It was obvious that she was using a professional attitude to force herself to face this matter. Later, she left her job and went to a public institution, where she felt like a duck.

     Why is this so? Let's first look at Mr. A. Although he didn't have this ability at the beginning, he obviously has this talent, just because he was in a traditional company before and there was no environment to stimulate his potential. Coming to an Internet company, he was naturally forced to stubbornly, coupled with a period of deliberate practice, also highlighted his original sensitivity to numbers.

     On the contrary, although Ms. B works very hard, the numbers are obviously not her talent. Her efforts are all because she is constantly persuading herself: this matter is very important. In an Internet company, she fights with herself every day, and over time, it is easy to get frustrated and despair. After arriving at the business unit, the frequency of digital use was not so high. Some experience in the Internet company was enough for her to become that company's digital master. On the contrary, when her talents in terms of interpersonal affinity are displayed, she naturally feels much happier.


     Ms. B’s overtime and these efforts are called “ineffective efforts”. Ineffective effort means that you use your shortcomings to beat others' longboards. Ineffective effort means that after a long time of hard work, you will not be able to get a promotion round, you will not be able to get a salary increase, and good deeds will not be your turn. Usually, ineffective efforts are just to move oneself.

      Having said that, discovering talent is really not an easy task, because talent is hidden. There is a misunderstanding about talent, thinking that talent is a kind of ability, in fact, talent is a kind of potential. Talent is not the best thing you do, but the thing you spend one hour equal to ten hours for others. Everyone has talent, the only difference is whether you find it or not.

       So the question is, what should you do if you say that I also want to play a longboard, but I am always delayed by ineffective efforts that I am not good at?

       Let's talk briefly about how to solve this problem today.

First, the willingness talent is greater than the ability talent

     Take sales as an example. They have the ability to talk to people without confusion, listen to needs, customer thinking, sales skills, etc. However, if there is a lack of willingness, which is what we often call internal drive, it will often become more exhausted and stressed. Come bigger. Then how to judge one thing, do you have a talent for willingness? Let's break down the four characteristics of willingness talent:

      1. Confidence Confidence Take some people, faced with trivial things such as booking air tickets and posting invoices, they panic before they even start, but whenever they need to think systematically to solve problems, they will be full of confidence.

      2. Instinct is that you can’t wait to do it before you start. For example, some people are not interested when they mention writing a diary. Why? Because there is no audience? But when he was asked to stand on the stage and face the thirsty eyes under the stage, he was excited.

      3. Focus on when you are doing something, you can easily enter a state, this state is when you do it, time passes very fast, such as boys playing games, girls shopping, how many The hour of "shoo" passed, like a few minutes, this feeling is focused.

      4. Satisfaction satisfaction When you do this, it makes you feel particularly satisfied. For example, if you work in finance, every time you flatten the two sides of your balance sheet, you feel a sense of accomplishment. This particular feeling of a particular thing is not something everyone will have, but you do, and this is a sense of satisfaction.

       Therefore, to determine whether you have a talent for willingness, you can ask yourself several questions: Do you have confidence in doing this? Are you impulsive instinctively? Can you focus on it? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment after you finish it? Satisfying these 4 points means that in this matter, in addition to ability and talent, you are more willing and talented.

Second, take one's strengths and others' shortcomings

     Since we need to spend time to maximize our talents, how can we allocate the time of ineffective efforts to talents? You need to keep asking yourself these 2 questions:

       1. If you stop doing the shortcomings of ineffective efforts, will it have a huge impact on the results? For example, you like to be alone and don't like to deal with others during non-work hours, but you are afraid that others will not cooperate at work, so you have to often have to engage with them in your spare time. At this time, you have to ask yourself: If you don't engage in this relationship, what will happen? Will the sky fall down? What if the sky falls down?

       2. Ask if anyone in your team can play for you? The channel director of a company, who has been working on the Internet for almost ten years, can't actually do PPT. What should he do? He asked the company's content director to do it for him. After being reprimanded by his superiors, he didn't refute, but he paid the bill with a smiley face. But the superior knows the long board of interpersonal communication and does not care too much with him.

       To sum up these two questions, it is the shortcoming. First, ask yourself if you can stop and not do it? Second, ask yourself if anyone can do it for you. By asking these two questions clearly, you can basically judge how to stop ineffective efforts and use your energy to better display your talent.

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